Tip Tuesday {Messaging}: 5 Ways to Enhance Your Written Message

     Living in a world where everything is digitized and computer generated, we sometimes forget how awesome our own penmanship can be.  By taking the time to make the message in a card dynamic, you can really leave an impression on the recipient, and instead of your card just being another card, it will become a gift itself.

     Here are 5 things that you can do to enhance the message you write on any card. Whether you are in a rush or you had time to plan it out, choosing 1 or all 5 of these little details will just make the card that more enjoyable for the recipient.

1.) Write with a nice pen. 
Whether it is a sleek black pen like a fine-tip sharpie, or a color that coordinates with the card, this little attention to detail will bring the envelope, card and the message inside all together.  This detail makes the card overall feel more elegant and finished and less like a last minute throw-together – even if it is!

2.) Emphasize important words
 By selecting certain words to stand out, you can present your message even more clearly.  This is also more visually appealing and makes the card more fun to read.  You might select to emphasize their name, happy birthday, love, etc.  You can do this by enhancing the penmanship of the particular word, drawing a design around it, using a different color, changing the size, etc.  The contrast you will create next to the rest of the text will really give your message some depth.

5 Ways to Enhance Your Written Message from hiccupsinmyhair.blogspot.com

3.) Use fun handwriting. 
 Now if you have calligraphy skills, great!  If you are like the rest of us, don’t be overwhelmed.   Maybe you can do an elegant cursive, a fun, peppy penmanship, or simply add dots/slashes/circles/hearts to the ends of each letter.  If it is too much to do all the words, then incorporate this idea into emphasizing words by selecting a few key ones{See Idea No. 2}. Have fun with it, but of course, make sure it is still legible. 

5 Ways to Enhance Your Written Message from hiccupsinmyhair.blogspot.com

4.) Draw a picture
 This can be anything from a flower to a birthday cake to an animal to a simple heart.  It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just something you are comfortable with.  This hand-drawn picture can be down by your salutations (yes, this is a reference to Charlotte’s Web!) on the adjacent blank side of the card or on the envelope with their name.  Add a quick pen color or just a few strokes of  detail and it will show the recipient this card was not just a quick thought.

5 Ways to Enhance Your Written Message from hiccupsinmyhair.blogspot.com

5.) Be specific and sincere.  
This is a great place to address the recipient with a endearing nick-name you have for them.  Instead of just saying that you hope they like the gift, tell them specifically why you bought {or made it!} for them.  If saying thank you, tell them what you have or plan on doing with the item.  You can be reminiscent, tell a joke or an anecdote, but overall, be sincere and thoughtful.  You will make the card so much more memorable this way and add a level of character to it.

5 Ways to Enhance Your Written Message from hiccupsinmyhair.blogspot.com

If you take the time to make the message in the card a gift all its own, you can really capture the moment with sentiment and enjoyment.  Have fun with it! 

Want to know the TOP 10 Tools to make your packaging ROCK?  Click HERE.

Happy Tuesday and Happy Gifting!

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